Thursday, June 28, 2012

Faithful Father

Moms, do you find yourself overwhelmed a lot? There is always too many dishes to wash, and loads of laundry to do. When will we ever catch a break? Then of course we have our kids. Many of us have children that rely 100% on us to get through the day! We are responsible to love them, feed them, change them, watch over them...and the list goes on! I am sure I am not the only one that gets caught up in the day-to-day. Or some times chooses to ignore the daily list of to-do's! Well whether you tackle each day with confidence and vigor, or just try to get through it.
Whether your day is complete CHAOS or as peaceful as could be. Remember that your heavenly Father sees it all! He is there ALWAYS. When your frustrated, angry, defeated, happy, or filled with joy. He is there! Cling to Him when the tears are streaming down your face,and when you're at your wits end! His faithfulness surpasses that of anything or ANYONE else in this world. Sure we have families for support and encouragement. God gave us others to walk this journey with us. But at the end of the day remember who your FATHER is!

Lamentations 3:22-23
Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, 
for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning,
Great is your faithfulness.

Mark is a wonderful father to our darling Eden, but nothing compares to the love and care our Heavenly Father shows us.

Monday, June 11, 2012

We're All in This Together!

Is it just me, or does motherhood sometimes seem like a competition? We all want to do what is best for our child(ren). But somehow in the middle of it all, we wonder what all the other Mamas out there are doing. Maybe that is the farthest thing from the truth for you, and I would consider that a very good thing. However, for me it is a constant battle. I always think other moms have it more together than I do. They have their child on the "perfect" schedule, in the nicest clothes, in the #1 rated car seat...and the list goes on and on!
Who said that was what was most important? NO ONE (just the voices in my head). Maybe you use formula, or maybe you breastfeed. Maybe you're a "type A" Mama who has all your ducks in a row, or maybe you're the Mom who likes a flexible and some what unpredictable schedule. Maybe your child goes to bed at 8pm on the dot, or you still don't know what time they'll go to bed tonight. Maybe your child eats only organic food, or your child tastes every little thing you eat.
The point I am trying to make is it's not about all the details. It comes down to loving and nurturing our children, and raising them to love and serve the LORD. Sure we all have our preferences, but they shouldn't divide us. We need each other on this journey of motherhood. We all need encouragement, advice, love, acceptance and NOT judgement. So embrace your parenting style. Don't compare! Love and care for your children the way YOU think is best. Remember you have friends and family to lean on. After all We're all in this together! :)