Monday, September 17, 2012

Super Mom!?...No Way!

Well it has been just about forever since I have updated this mommy blog. I was so excited about in the beginning, but quickly fell behind with its up keep. What’s new? PROCRASTINATION is a  word that defines way too much of my life. Whether it’s blogging, cleaning, decorating, or doing the laundry, you will find that I dreadfully fall behind in many areas. I wish I was super mom. It would be a miracle if all my ducks were in a row, if the laundry was clean AND put away (that’s the hardest part for me). The house was vacuumed every 5-8 days. The bathroom was spotless, my bedroom was picked up, and I was dressed and ready for the day by 9am J. Maybe all of these things come naturally to you. But goodness gracious they don’t for me!It’s hard to be so open and honest,but it’s the truth. I usually have about 3-5 loads of laundry sitting around my house just waiting to be put away. I frequently find cheerios or other things the baby has dropped or dumped on the floor. I almost never get my shower in before 12pm, and there are always dishes around that haven’t made it to the sink yet. 
You might be thinking wow, do you get anything done during the day? Lol. I promise I do J. However, having a very curious 11 month old to chase around and take care of definitely hinders my ability. That is in no way an excuse to not get things done though. There is almost always time in the day to tidy up J. I often look forward to Eden’s nap time so that I can sit down, grab a snack, catch up on Facebook, and usually get a load of laundry in or pick up a bit. This time I know can be managed better.  But how is the question. So I ask you moms. What is your secret? How do you keep your house tidy, your children happy, and put dinner on the table every evening?
At the end of the day, if I’m still in my sweats, never got my shower in or put make up on, but my family was loved and well taken care of…it was worth it. I think that having occasional days like that is probably fine and common in many of our lives. However, I know there is a way to feel ready for the day, get much accomplished, and love my family too. So in all of our quests to be “well rounded and efficient moms” I ask you to share your 2 cents. Not just for me, but for us all!